Year 1947. Our passion for handcarving as creative expression has its roots across four generations of artists and designers. This story begins in 1947 when our grandfather Obdulio Paredes decides to open the "Mueblería Su Hogar" in the Historic Center of Quito, on Avenida 10 de Agosto next to El Egido Park. This business expanded throughout the country, delivering important works such as the production and restoration of furniture in the presidential palace, Palacio de Carondelet, in Quito.

As a cabinetmaker and creative master, Don Obdulio expressed a seal of utmost quality and craftsmanship visible in every detail, resulting in elegant, sturdy and yet comfortable furniture that will last a lifetime. He also made sure to pass his craft and attention to detail to his children, ensuring the traditions of fine furniture made in Ecuador persist from generation to generation.
During the 80's and 90's, four of the 16 Paredes brothers continued the business expansion, developing and marketing their own artistic expressions of fine furniture throughout the country. They developed new techniques of design and ergonomics with the skilled Ecuadorian craftsmen and carvers.
Year 1984. Mr. Julio Paredes, one of Obdulio's younger sons, expands the furniture business to Cuenca with his wife Mirian. In 1984 they found “Muebles Tallados Top Line – Luis XV”. Over the course of the next thirty years, the company finds great success selling quality products nationally as well as for export to the competitive international furniture market. We've participated in international furniture markets and fairs and exported to the USA and Europe.
The business was located on Calle Huayna Capac 8-47 y Pío Bravo near the Chola Cuencana for the entire 30 years. Today, you can still find the production facility and workshop functioning in this location, however our showroom has relocated to the heart of the beautiful colonial historic center of Cuenca, a UNESCO World Heritage city, at the corner of calles San Blas and Manuel Vega.
Year 2015.In honor of the craft and our previous generations of creators, our generation decided to help evolve the business for the modern age.
Promote local and national production, and to create alliances with the network of artisans and designers across Latin America.
In April 2015, after getting inspired while traveling around the world, the brand "Muebles Retrochic" was born, transforming itself into a creative line that fuses tradition and innovation. We celebrate vibrant colors and elegant patterns inspired by several world cultures, and successfully merge them with new interior design trends.
The greatest potential of this centuries-old traditional craft, the creativity and technical skill and know-how can only be expressed through knowledge sharing between generations. We actively seek to promote the recovery of our traditional craft trades linked to the intangible cultural heritage of Ecuador, to promote local and national production, and to create alliances with the network of artisans and designers across Latin America.
Year 2017. We celebrate the 70th anniversary year of the creation of our family enterprise!